Financial Planning explained

As Chartered Financial Planner, my aim is to help you reach your goals with the help of a comprehensive financial plan that blends your financial and lifestyle goals.

To achieve success for you, I need to know what your goals are. There’s no point me recommending a particular financial arrangement if it doesn’t help you get closer to the life you want to lead.

Lifestyle financial planning is therefore about more than just recommending financial products or swapping pots of money around, it’s about bringing your money and your life together. As a financial planner, I am here to help you identify what you want from life and to help you position your finances to achieve it.

Our work together will start with getting to know each other. It’ll involve listening to your concerns, exploring your objectives, and asking you a series of important questions such as:

  • If money wasn’t an issue, how would you like your life to look in one year, five years and ten years’ time?
  • What are your biggest non-financial concerns right now?
  • What obstacles are standing in the way of you feeling secure and confident about your future?

It won’t be possible to learn everything there is to know about you in one meeting. We value long-term ways of working and see our relationship as a continuous process of discovery, understanding and support.

Who we work with

We build financial plans for those who are:

Business owners

We understand your personal and professional lives are often intertwined, so we deliver a cohesive strategy that incorporates both aspects of your life, from how you take remuneration from your business to pensions and your exit strategy.


As a busy professional, you probably find that financial planning takes a bit of a back seat. Our job is to take the strain and give you time and confidence, back. With our help you can enjoy your life today, knowing tomorrow is planned for.

Retiring or already retired

Why work a day longer than you need to? We’ll answer your questions about what’s possible and give you clarity on how much you’ll need to live the retirement lifestyle you want, with tailored retirement planning and sophisticated cash flow modelling

Estate planning

Estate planning is about more than just writing a will. It’s about making sure your wealth will be passed on to those you want to take care of, in the most tax efficient way possible, in line with their needs and your wishes.
